Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand reality more deeply, beyond what we can perceive through our senses or experience through science. Metaphysics is a source of constant curiosity for human beings, who, since ancient times, have wanted to understand concepts such as being, soul, God, causality, free will, and other essential aspects of existence.

What Is Metaphysics

Metaphysics differs from the natural sciences in that it is not based on observation and experimentation (as the scientific method) but on reflection and reasoning. Metaphysics is a broad discipline that encompasses different branches, such as ontology, natural theology, philosophy of man, and philosophical cosmology. Each branch studies specific aspects of reality and answers fundamental philosophical questions.

The origin of metaphysics

Metaphysics has been the subject of study and reflection throughout history, and its origins can be traced back to presocratic philosophy in Greece. Parmenides of Elea is considered the father of ontology, and Plato and Aristotle are other classical philosophers who have made important metaphysical postulates. Metaphysics has evolved over the centuries and has been influenced by various philosophical and cultural currents.

In conclusion, metaphysics is a complex and fascinating discipline that studies the most fundamental aspects of reality and has been a source of study and reflection for human beings for centuries. Metaphysics is a constantly evolving discipline, and its study contributes to a deeper understanding of reality and human nature.